Classical Arabic with Omar

Step 3: Keys to Classical Arabic

Course description:

Gain the keys to access Classical Arabic. First, students will first study al-Ajurumiyyah and learn how the core rules of Arabic syntax (naḥw) fit together as a framework.

Then, those rules will be practically applied by reading and doing grammatical analysis (iʿrāb) of Qasas al-Nabiyyīn (vols. 1-3). At the same time, students will study From The Treasures of Arabic Morphology to learn the core skills of Arabic morphology (ṣarf).

Finally, students will read selections from Ṣafwat al-Tafāsīr to gain practice reading texts without diacritical marks (tashkīl). Ṣafwat al-Tafāsīr is based on authoritative tafsīrs such as al-Ṭabarī, al-Qurṭubī, al-Kashshāf, ibn Kathīr, al-Alūsī, and others, yet it is an easy tafsīr that is suitable for students learning the Arabic language. 

Main texts:

  • Matn al-Ajurumiyyah
  • Qasas al-Nabiyyīn (vols. 1-3)
  • From the Treasures of Arabic Morphology
  • Reading selections from Ṣafwat al-Tafāsīr

Supplementary texts:

  • Hans Wehr dictionary


  • The timings for live sessions are currently being updated.
  • Live sessions will be recorded.


  • Familiarity with the 4 cases/moods (rafʿ, naṣb, jarr, jazm).
  • A vocabulary of at least 500 - 1000 words.
  • Knowledge of derived isms (ism al-fāʿil, ism al-mafʿūl, ism al-tafḍīl, etc.).
  • Familiarity with the ten verb forms.
  • Able to modify forms of the ism into: singular/dual/plural, masculine/feminine, and definite/indefinite. 


  • $59.95 per month


  • Classes are scheduled to begin in the beginning of September, 2024.
  • Registration is now open.

Ongoing Lessons

  Keys to Classical Arabic: Introduction and Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Book Downloads
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Matn al-Ajurumiyyah
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Qasas al-Nabiyyeen
Available in days
days after you enroll
  From the Treasures of Arabic Morphology
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus Material
Available in days
days after you enroll